Yes Shaun I do, I have three. The one pictured above was my dearly beloved Frodo.
That photo as taken in my backyard at Tamworth. He was my love, my life. I miss him terribly. I think about him daily, and remember all the fun times that we had. I reared him from a day old and as much as I love all my birds, Frodo and I just had a really special attachment.
It brings tears to my eyes thinking about him and how gorgeous he was. I actually wrote a little poem about him and my new blue bonnet Azizi.
It was 2005 in the month of June
I was as miserable as the bluest moon.
Because Misty, my dog - my so called best friend,
Took my Frodo's life, and brought it to an abrupt end.
I've tried to understand and find a reason why
But everytime I think of what happened, all I do is cry.
Frodo was my love, Frodo was my life,
Misty is so lucky, I never carry a knife.
Nothing will ever fill the void,
Frodo very special boy.
We cared for each other, like nobody else would
A love that no-one else really understood.
But now thanks to a wonderful lady called Liz
I now have a new baby, dear little Aziz.
He is so delicate, and so pure
Her certainly has helped my heart cure.
So now with all the love that I have to give
I am starting a whole new life with my baby Aziz,
His eyes have just opened, and now he can see
How much is precious gift of life means to me.
Back on track, my life once again complete
I lover every bit of Azizi - even his feet!
So before I get carred away and get to busy,
I would like you all to meet my new baby - Azizi.
So there you have it, I'm a dribbling mess when it comes to my Frodo. We just had a really unique bond - and with a blue bonnet - that is a rare thing.
As I said I have three of them. I now have a pair in the aviary which I purchased not so long ago, and they are a little crazy at times, but I so love them. I paid $150 for the pair, which I thought was a reasonable price. For me it isn't about the money, it is about what I want, and being female, I usually get what I want
They make a very loyal pet. Just let me clarify though, that you have to spend an unreal amount time with them and I mean every waking moment. It is just the sort of bird they are. They are naturally nasty, and really don't like strangers. Azizi is the greatest guard dog, I know long before someone walks up to the house because he goes off his nut when someone comes close. Although I can't handle Azizi like I could Frodo, he doesn't mind a scratch through the gaps in his cage. I didn't get to spend as much time with him as I did Frodo, because it was at the time that we were moving to here. Even though our bond is not as strong, he still is a very loyal and devoted little man. He knows his name and responds as soon as I say his name, and he can whistle many different tunes. I wouldn't part with him for the world.
I hope you get endless hours of entertainment out of your new blue bonnet Madaussie, be warey though, if you do buy a female for him - slowly introduce them - because they really do like the taste of blood!!
And I know everyone has seen this, but here is my beautiful Azizi.