Post by ~*~Lori & Specks~*~ on Jul 6, 2005 18:56:34 GMT 10
I've just gotten home from being out, to find my youngest cockatiel, Spots, sitting on the bottom of the cage, nothing unusual in this as both her and Specks do it when they want to come out...
But I opened the door and Specks shot out, like normal, but Spots just sat there... So I picked her up and putr her on my bed, and she just fell over... She has no balance... I had her sitting on my finger and she was ok for about 2 minutes and then just fell off...
Specks, her cage mate, is fine...
I haven't changed her food or anything, she's on the same food, she was on when I bought her, so I don't think it could be that...
It's just come from no where, she was ok when I left today....
Maybe I'm just worrying too much, I dunno, what do you guys think it could be...
Post by AcaciaWattle on Jul 6, 2005 22:49:33 GMT 10
Keep her quiet and warm, look for any wounds and take her to the vet asap!!! These signs are not good and I don't like the chances of seeing the morning out I'm sorry to say. Others more knowledgable with cockatiels may know more but from my experiences with other birds showing those symptoms, they did not last another hour.
Look around the cage etc for anything unsusal, chewed plastic etc, are parts of toys missing. Any other info may be useful
Post by lovemytiels on Jul 7, 2005 10:56:49 GMT 10
I would definately agree with Amanda. This is not a good sign in cockatiels especially as you said she fell over. I would stongly recommend getting your tiel to a vet ASAP. I think it is very sick. Regards Anna
Post by AcaciaWattle on Jul 7, 2005 23:28:47 GMT 10
How is your little Spots? I do hope all is well. Thinking about you both.
Post by ~*~Lori & Specks~*~ on Jul 12, 2005 23:22:15 GMT 10
She wasn't well, passed away that night... Poor lil girl...
Post by pollyparrot on Jul 13, 2005 5:56:44 GMT 10
really sad and sorry to hear that big (((((hugs )))))) from me
Post by lovemytiels on Jul 13, 2005 7:20:24 GMT 10
I am so sorry to hear that she passed away, but she would have been very sick to pass away that day. I had a tiel this week from my avairy pass away suddenly & no matter what I did I could just not save his life, he died the same day. It is so heartbreaking. (((Big hugs))) & try to keep your chin up. Regards Anna
Post by beachbird on Jul 13, 2005 12:03:11 GMT 10
I'm so sad to hear about Spots passing away. Try to concentrate on Specks now, as he'll be a bit lonely for her. My thoughts are with you. ((( )))
Post by AcaciaWattle on Jul 13, 2005 13:35:26 GMT 10
I am so sorry to hear that. I hope she wasn't in too much pain.
(((((HUGS))))) Amanda