Post by lillyvale on Nov 25, 2005 17:36:58 GMT 10
I bought 2 musk lorries as a bonded pair hoping they were male and female but no eggs at all season. Just went and got 2 scaleys and put them in the same cage. and now we have eggs but on the floor presumably from the new pair. (did not have a breeding box ready) But it seems one of the musk lorries is very friendly with the scally. Could they have paired off in only one week? or are the eggs probably the scaleys. DOES THE MALE ALWAYS TAKE DOMINANCE IN THE AVIARY?
Post by ollie on Nov 25, 2005 18:33:03 GMT 10
I didn't get any eggs either this year and mine are DNA sexed. They will pair up with scalies. The male is usually dominant. I would say the eggs are from the scalies but I could be wrong. Best to put a nest box in and see what happens.
Post by lillyvale on Nov 25, 2005 18:41:37 GMT 10
I was just reading some of the other threads and noticed that lories only usually have 2 eggs. I think i am too late for any more eggs even though we have put in another nesting box (for the scalies) because i found the remains of another egg in the dipping bowl at the bottom of the cage. If they don't sit on the eggs are they likely to go for it again.
Talk about timing - these new scalies are only 1 yr old. I did not expect any eggs from them this year at all.
But hope is a great thing...I will be so happy if they pair up again.